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tpo70口语范文 第1篇

The professor is discussing the importance of the study of the history of science.

He explains that studying the history of science can help us understand the development of scientific ideas and how they have changed over time. He states that this can help us understand the current state of science and how it has evolved. He also explains that studying the history of science can help us understand the context in which scientific discoveries were made, which can help us better understand the implications of those discoveries. He also notes that studying the history of science can help us understand the motivations and biases of scientists, which can help us better evaluate the validity of their claims. Finally, he states that studying the history of science can help us understand the impact of scientific discoveries on society, which can help us better understand the implications of current scientific research.

tpo70口语范文 第2篇

The passage is about the discovery of a new species of frog in the Western Ghats of India. The species is called the purple frog and is unique in its appearance and behavior. It spends most of its life underground, emerging only during the monsoon season to breed. It is believed to be an ancient species, having evolved over millions of years. The purple frog is an important part of the ecosystem of the Western Ghats, as it helps to disperse the spores of certain plants.

The purple frog is an important discovery for scientists, as it is a unique species that has evolved over millions of years. It is also an important part of the ecosystem of the Western Ghats, as it helps to disperse the spores of certain plants.

tpo70口语范文 第3篇



Your university is planning to offer a course about a subject that you are interested in.

Explain why you are interested in this course and why it is important.


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