
英语book report简单范文(通用4篇)

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英语book report简单范文 第1篇



Mike Tyson

Managing Director

Owen Manufacturers Limited

78 On Side Street

Miami City, Florida 3490

Dated: 1st of June

Subject: Cover letter for consultancy report

Respected Mr. Tyson,

This letter is in regards to the consultancy report that you wanted our organization to prepare in regards to your organization opening a new manufacturing unit. This is to bring to your notice that we have prepared the consultancy report.

As you said, your organization is planning to open a new unit that will manufacture cotton garments and you had approached our organization in order to provide consultancy service. You had asked us to prepare a consultancy report stating the total cost that will be incurred in setting up the manufacturing unit and also to find out other areas of expenses.

We have had a look at the premise where your organization is planning to set up the unit. We have also found the other areas in which there can be expenses. We have also found ways to curb the expenses. The detailed information regarding all the aspects is mentioned in the report.

I am enclosing the consultancy report along with this letter. I request you to have a look at it. For any further information, you can contact our office.


John Woo

Chief Consultant

Business Consultancy Services

英语book report简单范文 第2篇

How was you report初中英语作文

Dear Linda,

I finished my end-of-year exams last week and got my report card today .I had a hard time with history, I think history is very difficult .my history teacher doesn’t like me he said I was lazy, which isn’t true. another disappointing result was in sciences ,my science teacher said I could do better .the good news is that my math teacher said I was hard-working, and my English teacher said I was better at reading than listening , my Spanish teacher said I was better at speaking than writing .

How was you report ?


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英语book report简单范文(通用4篇)

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英语book report简单范文(通用4篇)
